Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pray it Forward

I like to spend the beginning of each year looking through an old journal of mine. You could call it a vision journal- one that is not likely to run out of room for it has 384 pages of 81/2 x11 acid free pages. Nothing I'll be carrying around with me on my daily travels. Got everything from letters to my then unborn children to a bucket list to pictured prayers. It blesses me to see that I can check off some entries as I've accomplished them. Go to the Oprah show - Check!

There are a few entries that are recurring year after year. I ask myself as I prepare to list them again in 2011, what's up with that? Why haven't I made any headway?In general, they are goals pertaining to preparing TV and movie treatments, perfecting my pitch should the opportunity arise to pitch my ideas and building a speaking platform. To me those were too lofty-too pie in the sky.

2011 could be the year of Big Dreams- for you too. I realized I needed some sort of motivational propulsion unit to push me past fear, discouragement and stagnation. In the 2000 movie sensation, 'Pay it Forward", the main character comes up with a plan to do good deeds for other people who then by way of payment each must do good turns for other people they meet. To play off that idea, my mantra for this year has become Pray it Forward. Think about it. What would you attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail. Just like Random Acts of Kindness becomes contagious in the movie, what if we all looked at our goals as a "can't lose" situation.

I am of the opinion that this is part of the reason our saviour was born and died for He is by no means small. Dream Big. The push I need- that push, for me, will be prayer. I figure if I beat the drum of Pray it Forward, it will become contagious. Hopefully when I get stuck, you'll remind me to see my dreams through with prayer.

Don't sit on a dream. Pray it Forward

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Here’s wishing you a captivating year of reading.

Since my debut novel, Soon and Very Soon hit the shelves in 2007, I have been blessed to live my dreams. The impending year is no exception. My fourth novel, Taylor-Made about a young couple forced to face their past through the mirror of marriage comes out in August 2011. I realize in this economy that your entertainment budget can be stretched to capacity. I do not take it for granted when a reader picks up a book. So as you set your reading calendar for 2011, allow me to introduce you to my works of fiction for your consideration. I love opportunities to meet readers, donate books and join book club discussions.
Soon and Very Soon (2007) Two pastors marry and combine congregations, but everyone is not feeling the love. Two Pastors, One ‘I Do’, Sundays will never be the same. Soon and Very Soon is now sold in mass market paperback where books are sold.
The Manual (2009) Two former high school sweethearts must reconcile their past to ensure their son’s future that is making all the mistakes that they made. Who said that there isn’t a manual for love, relationships and raising kids? The Manual will be reprinted in mass market paperback in July 2011 and made available wherever books are sold. Ask me about the ministry activity that goes along with this novel.
Soon After (2010) This is the stand alone sequel to my debut novel. Now that the congregations have combined over at Pleasant Harvest, the other church burns down. An overzealous reporter and staunch fire chief draw Pastor Green into the fire investigations as they look at those who chose to stay behind for the arsonist. The mystery is not that which has be burned, broken or stolen, but what lies in the hearts of men. This book is available in trade paperback and digital format for Kindle. I also had a Mystery Game similar to a Murder Mystery to accompany this book. The possibilities for an unforgettable event are endless. Evidence files and video can be emailed, snail mailed or Skyped to your group before, during or after the reading of this novel. So if your reading group or bookclub is looking for an exciting change of pace to your regular discussions consider a mystery event as you read this book.

Soon and Very Soon Book Trailer